Welcome to XXXII Bárány Society Meeting 2024

Uppsala, Sweden August 25-28, 2024

Welcome to XXXII Bárány Society Meeting 2024

Uppsala, Sweden August 25-28, 2024

Welcome to XXXII Bárány Society Meeting 2024

Uppsala, Sweden August 25-28, 2024

Welcome to XXXII Bárány Society Meeting 2024

Uppsala, Sweden August 25-28, 2024

Program overview

Saturday August 24 Sunday August 25 Monday August 26 Tuesday August 27 Wednesday August 28 Thursday August 29
Morning Breakfast seminar Breakfast seminar Breakfast seminar
Bárány Society Meeting Bárány Society Meeting Bárány Society Meeting Bárány Society Meeting Satellite symposium
Afternoon Teaching day (13.00-19.30) Satellite symposium
Evening Teaching day reception Welcome reception Reception Banquet




Saturday 24 August

11.00-20.00 Registration open at Uppsala Consert & Congress, UKK, Entrance floor
Please see the detailed Teaching Day programme at a separate page.
13.00-19.30 Teaching Day, Congress Hall
19.30-20.30 Teaching day reception


Sunday 25 August

On Sunday August 25 there will be a guided city walk for registrered accompaying persons at 10.00 am. Meeting point: At the main entrance at UKK, the congress venue. The walk will end at 12.00 in the city center. 

07.30-19.30 Registration open at Uppsala Consert & Congress, UKK, Entrance floor
09.00-09.35 Opening of congress and welcome note, Congress hall
09.35-10.05 Keynote speaker lecture, Congress hall
10.05-10.45 Coffee break & Exhibition, Poster session I, Hall D
10.05-17.00 Exhibition and poster viewing (Poster session I), Hall D
10.45-11.20 Keynote speaker lecture,  Congress hall
11.20-11.55 Keynote speaker lecture, Congress hall
11.55-12.30 Gold medal lecture, Congress hall
12.30-13.30 Lunch break & Exhibition, Hall D
13.30-15.00 Free papers, parallel sessions
15.00-15.40 Coffee break & Exhibition, Poster session I, Hall D
15.40-17.10 Free papers, parallel sessions
17.10-17.55 Hallpike-Nylèn Lecture. Won-Sang Lee Award, Congress hall
17.55-19.00 Welcome reception in the exhibition, Hall D


Monday 26 August

07.30-18.00 Registration open at Uppsala Consert & Congress, UKK, Entrance floor
07.15-07.45 Breakfast is served outside Hall C
Limited number of participants – Pre-registration required!

Breakfast seminar, Room C
Shanghai ZEHNIT Medical Technology Co.,Ltd.
Chair: Dr. Martin Enke of Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Praxis im Bottwartal, Germany

  • Application of Binocular Video Head Pulse Test in the Diagnosis of Unilateral Vestibulopathy, Dr. Wenyan Li, Shanghai Eye and ENT Hospital, China
  • Consistency of the Vestibuloocular Reflex Between Eyes in Peripheral and Central Vestibulopathy, Dr. Tzu-Pu Chang, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, ROC

Limited number of participants – Pre-registration required!

08.30-10.00 Free papers, parallel sessions
10.00-10.40 Coffee break & Exhibition, Poster session II, Hall D
10.40-12.20 Free papers, parallel sessions
12.20-13.20 Lunch break & Exhibition, Hall D
13.20-14.40 Free papers, parallel sessions
14.40-15.20 Coffee break & Exhibition, Poster session II, Hall D
15.20-16.20 Free papers, parallel sessions
16.30-18.30 General Assembly, Hall C
19.00-22.00 Reception at Restaurant Katalin in central Uppsala


Tuesday 27 August

07.15-17.00 Registration open at Uppsala Consert & Congress, UKK, Entrance floor
07.15-07.45 Breakfast is served outside Room C
Limited number of participants – Pre-registration required!

Breakfast seminar, Room C

Navigating Precision: Head-Mounted vs. Earth-Fixed Targets in Clinical Practice
Benefits of the VNG test battery for the clinical outcomes of clinicians and patients when stimuli is head mounted.

Speaker: Stacy Morrow, Hamish Macdougall

Limited number of participants – Pre-registration required!

08.30-10.00 Free papers, parallel sessions
10.00-10.40 Coffee break & Exhibition, Poster session III, Hall D
10.40-12.20 Free papers, parallel sessions
12.20-13.20 Lunch break & Exhibition, Hall D
13.20-14.40 Free papers, parallel sessions
14.40-15.20 Coffee break & Exhibition, Poster session III, Hall D
15.20-16.20 Free papers, parallel sessions
16.30-17.00 Bárány Society New Members, Room C
18.30 Banquet at Uppsala Castle


Wednesday 28 August

07.15-12.30 Registration open at Uppsala Consert & Congress, UKK, Entrance floor
07.15-07.45 Breakfast is served outside Room C
Limited number of participants – Pre-registration required!

Breakfast Seminar, Room C
Interacoustics & Virtualis

Man vs Machine: The value of artificial intelligence to assist with dizziness triage,
Devin McCaslin,PhD, Professor, Chief of Audiology, Department of Otolaryngology University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Limited number of participants – Pre-registration required!

08.30-10.00 Free papers, parallel sessions
10.00-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-12.00 Free papers, parallel sessions
12.00-12.15 Final words, end of congress, Congress Hall
12.15 Grab-and-go lunch
12.30 Departure to Stockholm and Satellite Symposium (registered participants only)



Clinical vestibular testing VEMP
Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome
Spatial orientation
Traumatic Brain Injury
Acute vertigo
Vestibular Prosthesis
International classification of vestibular disorders
Rehabilitation of vestibular disorders
Clinical vestibular testing VEMP
Functional and Psychiatric Vestibular Disorders
Ménière’s disease
Labyrinthine fistula
Vestibular schwannoma
Postural control
Basic vestibular science/Animal models
Central Vestibular Disorders
Clinical vestibular testing HIT
Perception and Central Vestibular function
Gait, Posture and locomotion
Vestibular migraine
Epidemiology of vestibular disorders
Nystagmus and visual stabilization
Bilateral Vestibulopathy
Vestibular and cerebellar disease
Vestibular curriculum
Pathophysiology of hydropic ear disease
Synaptic transmission from type I hair cells
Beyond controversy: The undeniable truth of PLT
Decoding the maladies of brain health with eye movements and vestibular function

Updated: August 6, 2024

Organised by

Organising committee
Göran Laurell, Måns Magnusson, Mikael Karlberg, Niklas Danckwardt-Lillieström, Per Olof Eriksson, Fredrik Tjernström, Michael Schubert, Doris-Eva Bamiou and Daniel Gold.


Congress secretariat

Reed & Mackay (former Resia Kongress)
E-mail: congress.se@reedmackay.com
Phone: +46 (0)18 18 35 35 (Tuesday-Thursday at 9.00-12.00)

Abstract support

Reed & Mackay